Green Knowledge Lieferkettentransparenz – 5 Fragen an Lukas Pünder, Co-Gründer & CEO Retraced von Cheryll Mühlen
Fashion Berlin Fashion Week – Max Gilgenmann und Ramona Pop im Interview von Cheryll Mühlen & Cynthia Blasberg
Business Sabinna konzipiert gemeinsam mit Ryot virtuelle Reality Show ‚The Fabric of Reality’ von J'N'C
Business Mandie Bienek im Interview über die ‚Live Digital Brand Days’ von Press Factory von Cheryll Mühlen
J'N'C NO. 88 The Beating Heart of Fashion AN ODE TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE INDUSTRY The power of connections Recently, I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about – or perhaps pondering over – what makes our industry so unique. Why does the fashion world often feel different to other industries? The answer came to me quicker than I thought: it’s because of the people. And also the relationships […] Anschauen