Business Intertextile Apparel hebt mit neuem Econogy Hub Nachhaltigkeit auf die nächste Stufe von J'N'C
Fashion Exploring Berlin’s Fashion Frontier – Recap der Berlin Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025 von Deniz Trosdorff & Cheryll Mühlen
Business Must-visit: Die Première Vision Paris – Wegweiser für die Modezukunft Herbst/Winter 25/26 von J'N'C
J'N'C NO. 88 The Beating Heart of Fashion AN ODE TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE INDUSTRY The power of connections Recently, I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about – or perhaps pondering over – what makes our industry so unique. Why does the fashion world often feel different to other industries? The answer came to me quicker than I thought: it’s because of the people. And also the relationships […] Anschauen